This week were back on the hunt for Magic the Gathering cards but this time its the new Commander Legends - Dungeons and Dragons Battle for Baldur's Gate series. I picked up a Set and Collector booster pack to open. Come watch as I open the packs and see what I think about this new MtG card series.
#MtG #MagicTheGathering #mtgcommandlegends #mtgbattleforbaldursgate #magicthegatheringcommanderlegends #magicthegatheringbattleforbaldursgate #drizztdourden #dungeonsanddragons #tiamat #mtgdungeonsanddragons #magicthegatheringdndcards #mtgforgottenrealms #magicthegatheringforgottenrealms #tcg #tcgcollector #tcgplayer #magicthegatheringdungeonsanddragons #battleforbaldursgate